Thursday, November 12, 2009


Basketball is my favorite sport; I like it because it makes me strong and petite. Next 50 years it will be the first sport in the world. The American people are the creator for this sport and there is the king of it. The famous one in this play is Michel Jordon.

how I use the Internet

The Internet is good technology, I use it to download programes,videos and images. Also I use it to chat and email with others.
I used it from my home, net cafe or from my work.

Assiut: a place I like!

Assiut is a big city in the south of Egypt. Most of the people there depend on farming as their main job. Others work as carpenters and gold smith. It is a nice place where people have "beautiful minds". Assiut means a big wall, so the Pharos made assiut as a wall.
see : assiut


Hello everyone hope everything is good.
I would like give prife introduction about java programming language and what it can do.
Java is a programming language that devloped form C language and it created in 1995.
Imagin that you can do everything and anything you imagin to program a program, you will find it in your mobile phone, in your PC at home even your car also you will find it.
It can work in any inviroment like windows, linx, unix .... etc.
If everyone need any help he can visit

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hello World

This is Mahir Gamal and I am a teacher in Univercity of Scince Techonlogy.

I love Java programming language and love my country 'Sudan' so so much.